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The Dawson City Council has approved to adopt “CodeRED” (by OnSolve) as the City’s mass notification

During Hurricane Michael it was extremely difficult to effectively provide important information to the public. A lack of information can lead to rumors, which can lead to misinformation. Misinformation can be as bad as no information. Because of this, a search was conducted to find a “mass notification system” that could reach the public in various forms and provide information that is timely, accurate and actionable.

The Process:

CodeRED has trained those City personnel responsible for composing and disseminating messages. Also, CodeRED has begun testing phone lines and the computer system.

1. The public is asked to subscribe (AT NO COST) to CodeRED. This is where the public will decide what messages they would like to receive and in what format they would like to have them sent.

2. When information needs to be sent to the public, a message is composed and “transmitted”. This message could be for all of Dawson or for a specific area within Dawson. (Example: If the Dawson Fire Department is testing fire hydrants on Center St, a message can be sent to only those subscribers on Center St.)

If you have any questions about CodeRED, please contact the Dawson Public Safety Department at 995-4414.

Note to citizens needing help with the subscription: The Dawson Police Department will have personnel trained in assisting in subscribing and “setting up” to receive CodeRED notifications.

Sign up for CodeRED HERE


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