Municipal Court meets the first Thursday of every month at 5:00 p.m. Court is held at City Hall at 101 S. Main Street Dawson, Georgia 39842.
Mandatory court appearances are:
Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
Hit & Run
Fleeing or attempting to elude Police Officer
No insurance
Suspended registration
Suspended license
Misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana
Mandatory court appearances for persons under 21:
Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
Any under 21 alcohol related offenses excluding DUI
Purchasing or possession of alcohol by person under 21
Misrepresenting age or identity to obtain alcohol by person under 21
Hit & Run
Fleeing or attempting to elude Police Officer
No insurance
Suspended registration
Suspended license
Misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana
The Clerk of Court cannot reduce a fine, reduce the speed on a speeding citation or dismiss a case. In order to re-schedule a court case you must appear in court before the Judge to request the change. In order to contact the court call 229-995-4414 and ask for the Clerk of Court.
Courtroom Rules
Arrive early for your court hearing
All enough time to travel to the courthouse, pass through security checkpoints, locate your courtroom, and arrive 10-15 minutes before your scheduled hearing.
Dress appropriately
Only wear neat, clean, and conservative clothing to your court appearance. Remove all head gear (i.e., hat, baseball cap, winter hat, etc.) before you enter the courtroom. Make sure you are wearing socks and shoes. Remove sunglasses before entering the courtroom.
Avoid using any non-prescription drugs or alcohol for at least 24 hours before your court hearing.
Cell phones and pagers
Turn off your cell phone and /or pager. Leaving them on “vibrate” is not acceptable as they still remain audible and be distracting. If a cell phone or pager rings or goes off in the courtroom they may be confiscated by the court.
Do not bring your child(ren) to court unless your child(ren) is required to appear by court order, subpoena, or if your attorney suggest this. There is no child care or anyone available to watch your child(ren) in the courthouse and most judges and magistrates will not allow children under the age of 18 in the courtroom.
Food and/or drink
No food or beverages are allowed in this courtroom. You are not allowed to chew gum in the courtroom either.
Please check-in with the Clerk of Court if a hearing is not in session. Find a spot on one of the benches and wait until your case is called.
Hearing Etiquette
Stand when the judge or magistrate enters the courtroom.
Be quiet in the courtroom.
Stand when you speak to the judge or magistrate.
Speak loudly, slowly, and clearly enough to be heard and understood.
When the judge or magistrate is asking you questions, use clear and understandable words (i.e. “Yes, your honor” and “NO, your honor”).
Do not interrupt others while they are speaking.
Be courteous and respectful.
If there is any evidence or information you wish the judge or magistrate to consider, have it organized, with the original for the court and copies for all parties.
Write down any questions or comments you may have, so when it is your turn to speak you have them ready.
If you don’t know whether is is your turn to speak, you may request permissions from the judge or magistrate.
If an attorney objects to a question, wait until the judge or magistrate states whether or not you need to answer.
If you have questions, ask the judge or magistrate.